Who happen to work in tech
When I am with the "creative" friends, who remind me there are other professions
but that I am
How to hustle
If you are looking for business advice, this will be a great list on the things
to learn on what
Mental health, in general
I was going to write about mental health in tech, because tech seems to be
causing lots of burnout and
Minority and Women-owned Business Enterprises
I cannot believe there is an opportunity to combine my knowledge of
grantwriting, business strategy, product development, and technical skills.
Individual motivation
The truth is, it takes time to find the "right" product team, but it is still
important to
On Twitter
In my first Twitter profile, I claim allegiance to tweets over Facebook
statuses. I wasn’t sure why, but I
Three disciplines of product
Every day is subject to context switching in the life of a PM. It’s the breadth
of exposure to
Managing your own stress
I learned a bad behavior early on in my academic career–the longer I wait to
complete something, the more
How to be a product manager
In April 2013, I joined a digital agency because I surveyed the landscape of
"tech" companies in NYC